We find solutions:
– Depending on your tastes
– Based on your uses
– Depending on your needs
We design for you:
– 2D and 3D project proposals
– Side-by-side drawings for costing
– DP and PC files for the town hall
You validate the project:
– Visually in 3D
– With a choice of textures from floor to ceiling
– From your home with BIMx
We make it real:
– Accompanied by qualified craftsmen
– By offering regular monitoring
– With you all the way
L’architecte d’intérieur exploite l’espace pour l’adapter à ses occupants, à ses visiteurs et aux nouveaux usages. L’esthétique choisie correspondant à des objectifs et une personnalité. L’humain est au centre des projets car c’est lui qui occupe l’architecture et qui la fait vivre, qui la subit aussi.
L’objectif est de toujours mieux répondre à ses besoins.
La mission du designer c’est de créer l’équilibre, le juste milieu entre la fonction, la tendance et la vision.
We study your needs and adapt the environment to make it more functional, more pleasant or more attractive.
More functional, so that it’s easy and pleasant to live and work there. It’s ergonomics combined with your own organisation and way of working. Design is at the service of this pleasantness. We create beautiful spaces because they are useful, not just for the sake of beauty. That’s the difference between applied art and fine art.
Une fois que l’espace est validé sur le plan fonctionnel nous concevons l’esthétique, au service de l’attractivité. On vient dans un espace pour sa fonction mais on y reste pour son charisme. That’s what makes the difference: our job is not to create trendy, modern spaces. We don’t duplicate a design that’s already been seen, we design a project that matches your identity. Our aim is to make you stand out, which is why our projects are unique and unlike any others.
Our software requires a lot of RAM and graphics memory, so our office equipment has to be up to scratch. Everyone works on two 27-inch screens and has a 3D Connexion mouse and keyboard specially dedicated to their activity. Why do we do this? To work efficiently and without bugs.
Quality and comfort are partly down to software, which is why we have abandoned Autocad and Sketchup in favour of Archicad and BIM. Our renderings come from Twinmotion, which enables us to carry out virtual visits. Finally, we use Adobe and Affinity for our graphics.
Our organisation with Notion and our internal server enable transparent project management where everyone can see the progress of files and make up for any absences. Google Workspace allows us to share with you and work in real time on the same file. Nous sommes tous connectés.
Our team loves new technologies, especially those that improve the quality of our work: A drone to analyse your roofs. A VR (Virtual Reality) headset to visit your project. A 360° camera to make sure you don’t miss a thing during your surveys. Tablets for writing, drawing and creating.